It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Look at all those packages!! That means... we have been keeping busy in our corner of the world *and* Christmas is coming! |
Here are a few highlights from the last month!
Adorable Pictures With My Little Fashionista's: The day after Thanksgiving, the girls and I went adventuring to the coast in our spiffy new ride. The plan was to get some cute pictures of them wearing my designs… but it was *so* rainy and windy, that did not happen! 😅
A Grange and a Church: In November, Lupine and Llamas attended a craft fair in at a little grange in Newaukum. At start of December, we attended one at a church in Centralia. Both were fun but we had way more success at the grange. Coming up later this month on the 18th, you can find us at the Jester Auto Museum in Centralia from 9am-6pm for a day of not-quite-last-minute Christmas shopping. Santa is going to be there, so why wouldn’t you??
New Stuff On The Way: I made sure to order quite a few kids shirts, and I have a new design ordered and ready to debut on the 18th. I decided to call it “Love Your Neighbors” and it’s pretty stinking’ cute! I also have a pretty unique take on Sasquatch still in the works, so definitely keep an eye on the online store for new items!
Learning Pregnancy Limitations: A big portion of my energy has been going toward preparing for and growing this not-very-little baby! This month is my last full month of pregnancy, which means I am very uncomfortable… But along with the discomfort comes the growing excitement to meet the little ninja beating up my organs. My daughters are so excited to meet “their” baby, but they definitely do not understand that infancy is a thing..! They spend a lot of time planning the (very unsafe, not infant approved) adventures they will go on. They also like to make a game of suggesting silly names, including Bomber Worm (from their favorite show), Noi (another movie name), and Glovehand (“Its funny cuz it’s like a mitten!!”-Indigo age 3)
Looking Ahead: This coming month, I am excited to finish a few more new designs, attend a holiday market, book events for January, enjoy Christmas with my family, and start dreaming of getting back in the sky!
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas season, and don’t forget to support your local shops! (Not just me… there’s lots of us out here!)