A Jeep, a Helicopter, & Pregnancy

This month has had some serious ups and some downs! Thanks to my sales at the Apple Harvest Festival, I was able to purchase a GoPro. I am excited to be able to film some of my flight training and share it with all of you! Unfortunately, the night before one of my weekly flight trainings I had some pain related to my pregnancy that I had to get checked out at the ER.
Sadly, following the hospital trip, the doctor recommended I not fly until after the baby is born. This was very disappointing, since this means that I cannot fly again until the end of January. But on the bright side, now I have more time to focus on Lupine & Llamas and save up money to pay for future lessons. I am really looking forward to collecting some flight videos and sharing them with you this February!
Another exciting thing from this month, is that we traded in our Toyota Corolla for a Jeep Wrangler. I grew up in Alaska, driving off into the wilderness. I really look forward to being able to adventure like that again, especially with my daughters in tow! I hope to use the Jeep to take my products deep into the woods and get some product pictures in the wild. I also hope to put a big ol’ magnet of my logo on the side of my Jeep so that people will see it all the time. Who knows, maybe it will bring some people to the website. (:
I also added a bunch of new products this month that I am excited to share with you! There is a bunch of kids clothing including a Christmas pajamas set, some excellent and at time humorous onesies, and my personal favorite the “chillin’ with my gnomies” kids hoodie.
Aside from the addition of kid’s clothes, I have also added a few other items like the Gnome Mug and the Absolutely Ornament Bag. This month, the biggest learning curve has been figuring out the website! I hope to make it more user-friendly in the coming month, as well as continuing to add fun new products.
Great job! You’ll have fun with the go-pro in the jeep or firing. I hope you have the book “Sheep in a Jeep”!